Hi, this is Canyu Chen (陈灿宇), a third-year Computer Science Ph.D. student at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) since Fall 2021, advised by Prof. Kai Shu. Before joining IIT, I received my B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in 2020.

I focus on Truthful, Safe and Responsible Large Language Models with the applications in Social Computing and Healthcare. I have started and currently lead the LLMs Meet Misinformation initiative, aiming to combat misinformation in the age of LLMs. I aim to pursue Safe and Aligned Artificial General Intelligence in the long run. I am always happy to chat and discuss potential collaborations, or give talks about my research in related seminars. Feel free to contact me via email (cchen151 AT hawk.iit.edu) or wechat (ID: alexccychen).


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Invited Talks

Awards and Fellowship

  • Great Review Award at ACL Rolling Review 2024 April
  • Travel Award for Seventeenth Midwest Speech and Language Days (MSLD 2024)
  • Sigma Xi Student Research Award 2024 from Illinois Tech and the local Sigma Xi chapter. ( An award of $500 is given each year to up to two graduate students at Illinois Tech who have demonstrated significant promise in research and scholarship through their accomplishments. There is only one awardee across the whole university in 2024. )
  • Technical AI Safety Fellowship 2024 Spring from Harvard AI Safety Student Team.
  • Third Place Award in the Illinois Tech College of Computing Poster Session 2024 (Ph.D. Group).
  • Spotlight Research Award in the symposium AGI Leap Summit 2024.
  • Didactic Paper Award (1/35 of all accepted papers) in the workshop ICBINB@NeurIPS 2023.
  • NeurIPS 2023 Volunteer Award.

Media Coverage